Dr. Joseph Kanter, Louisiana State Health Officer and Medical Director sent a letter to Louisiana…

Rotunda Day 2022

Please join us for our Rotunda Day!
When: Thursday, March 17, 2022
Where: In the Rotunda at the State Capitol Building
Why: Show up to tell your legislators that PARENTS determine what’s best for our children, NOT the government. Show up for your kids! Fight for their right to breathe freely and your right to parent them without government interference.
What to expect on Rotunda Day:
- Please make sure you are registered to VOTE! Constituency matters!!
- Download the free Voter Voice app on your iPhone or android.
- A few days before Rotunda Day, reach out to your legislators and let them know you will be at the Capitol and you would like a few minutes of their time while there.
- Read up on our tips for communicating with legislators on our Advocacy page.
- On the day of the event (March 17), stop by Health Freedom Louisiana’s table in the Capitol Rotunda and pick up a bill sheet with the list of proposed legislation HFL will be supporting during this legislative session.
- Keep track of all our bills with our bill tracker! votervoice.net/hfl/bills
- Share the bill sheet with your legislators and ask them to support these very important bills!
- Use the Voter Voice app to provide feedback on your meeting – what did your legislators say?
Feel free to come and go as needed – there is a cafeteria at the Capitol.
Also, please wear a Health Freedom Louisiana t -shirt!! If you don’t have one already, it’s too late to get it in time BUT we’ll have some NEW shirts available at our table!
It’s not luck, it’s hard work.
Do you find value in our 100% volunteer advocacy? Please consider donating to Health Freedom Louisiana to help cover our costs: